General Information

There are some items that are restricted and cannot be shipped with any carrier. This includes:

  • Firearms parts, gun parts, scope, red dot sight, reflex sight, ammunition etc.
  • Any restricted items under ITAR, Department of Commerce, US Customs and Border Protection, US Department of State and the US Department of Treasury.
  • Flammable items
  • Pornography
  • Explosive material
  • Corrosive materials
  • Human remains
  • Live or dead plants or animals
  • any Electronic equipment or any equipment that requires ECCN# (Export Control Classification Number).

Armenia information

Common customs tariffs (except for customs fee) are paid at below common rates for the goods imported from countries outside the Eurasian Economic Union to the Republic of Armenia by natural persons via postal or courier deliveries:

  1. 0 rate if the total weight of the goods transported within a month does not exceed 30 kg and the customs value does not exceed 200 thousand drams
  2. 22.5 percent if the total weight of the goods imported to the Republic of Armenia within a month does not exceed 30 kg and the customs value exceeds 200 thousand drams but does not exceed the amount of Armenian drams equivalent to 1000 Euros
  3. 30 percent but not less than the amounts stipulated per each kilogram exceeding 30 kg under the Union’s relevant international agreement, if the total weight of the goods imported to the Republic of Armenia within a month exceeds 30 kg or if the customs value exceeds the amount of Armenian drams equivalent to 1000 Euros.

Useful links
Country of Destination
Drop off locations Show on Full map
Destination agent office in Yerevan
AGG logo
American Global Group LLC.
0018, 53 Nar - Dos str.,
Yerevan, Armenia,
tel.: (+374)43 33 44 44

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